NES Memory Visualization

NES Memory Visualization

Visualizing the memory of a NES as it runs a game

The John Barleycorn Challenge

The John Barleycorn Challenge

Turning the text of John Barleycorn by Jack London into a drinking game



Resizing images by reflowing their pixels into the new image dimensions


Splicing single frames of pornography into gifs



Interleaving the frames of two gifs

Post Mortem

Post Mortem

Visualizing how a person’s Wikipedia changes after they die

Pop Reality

Pop Reality

Connecting a lollipop to a VR headset

I Am A Camera

I Am A Camera

Hooking a Minolta SR-T 101 up to a VR headset and passing into glass reality

A How and Why of The Don and I

Self-indulgent musings on The Don and I’s creation and context