
Funcualizer is a small Node library that converts Javascript methods into plain old functions:

const funcualizer = require('funcualizer');

const slice = funcualizer(Array.prototype.slice);

slice([1, 2, 3], 2) === [3]
slice("abc", 0, 2) === ['a', 'b']

Funcualizing a method removes the need to .call it, and makes it easy to use existing APIs in functional-style Javascript programming.

Having tried a number of approaches to the method->function problem, including the || this pattern, I created this library to bring together some of what I’ve learned. The library lets you select for flexibility or for performance, with some funcualized implementations performing about the same as their handwritten counterparts.

Source and documentation are available on Github.


At a glance, Javascript methods are just functions:

function Vec2(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

Vec2.prototype.add = function(b) {
    return new Vec2(this.x + b.x, this.y + b.y);

const v = new Vec2(0, 1);

But this similarity is a classic beginners trap. Consider:

const addV = v.add;

// Error, this === undefined
addV(new Vec2(3, 4));

Although add looks like a function, it also relies on a this binding which is lost in addV. Instead, methods must use call, apply, and bind:, new Vec2(3, 4));

const addV = v.add.bind(v);
addV(new Vec2(3, 4));

The difference between methods and functions is super annoying for functional-style programming. The usual fix is writing a wrapper for the method:

const add = (a, b) => a.add(b);

add(v, new Vec2(3, 4));

Or we could .bind all methods and .call all things, but that’s no fun. Here’s where Funcualizer comes in.

Explicit This

Funcualizer takes a method and makes this an explicit parameter. The basic implementation is probably easier to understand:

const funcualizer = (method) =>
    (self, ...args) =>
        method.apply(self, args);

This allows methods to be treated exactly like normal functions:

const add = funcualizer(Vec2.prototype.add);

add(v, new Vec2(3, 4));
[new Vec2(0, 1), new Vec2(3, 4), new Vec2(6, 5)].reduce(add);

And, like with .call and .apply, it lets us use any object as the this parameter, not just instances with that method:

add({ x: 0, y: 1 }, { x: 3, y: 4 });

Pre and Post

The Funcualizer library can create functions that take this as either the first or the last parameter:

// Takes `this` as the first argument of the resulting function
funcualizer(Array.prototype.slice) === funcualizer.pre(Array.prototype.slice)

// Takes `this` as the last argument of the resulting function
const slice_post =;

slice_post(2, [1, 2, 3]) === [3]
slice_post(0, 2, "abc") === ['a', 'b']

The post argument order is especially useful for partial application and function composition:

const take_first_three = slice_post.bind(null, 0, 3);

take_first_three([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) === [1, 2, 3]


When dealing with inheritance patterns, usually we don’t want to invoke a specific method implementation, but rather the implementation bound to a given name. dynamic_pre and dynamic_post lookup and invoke a method by name on the this argument of the function when it is called:

const toString = funcualizer.dynamic_pre('toString');

toString([1, 2, 3]) === "1,2,3"
toString({}) === "[object Object]"
toString({ toString: () => 'bla' }) === 'bla'

Here, toString actually ends up invoking a different method for each of these three objects.


All the functions covered so far perfectly forward their arguments to the inner method. This is convenient and suitable for almost all normal use cases, but introduces a small amount of overhead compared to a handwritten method->function implementation:

// Performance baseline
const add = function(self, v1) {
    return self.add(v1);

Funcualizer allows you to sacrifice generality in order to eliminate this overhead. The pre$, post$, dynamic_pre$, and dynamic_post$ Api variants target fixed arity methods. Besides taking a method or method name, these functions take the expected arity of the method (pre$ and post$ can optionally infer this from method.length if you want to be lazy). Otherwise, the resulting functions operate exactly the same way:

const add = funcualizer.pre$(Vec2.prototype.add, 1 /* number of args */);

add(v, new Vec2(3, 4));

Simple benchmarks show that pre$ and post$ perform about the same as a handwritten method->function implementation, with performance gains of 30-50% over normal pre and post.

Again, not super important for most day-to-day programming tasks, but a good option if you are concerned about performance and don’t need to forward arbitrary argument sets.

Next Steps

I’ve been using these basic patterns for years now and found them helpful, so I hope other people will also benefit from this small library.

Again, check out the documentation on Github if you are interested in using the library. Contributions are always welcome as well.