
C++ templates make it remarkably easy to shoot yourself in the foot. Case in point, this seemly innocent template function:

template <unsigned val>
struct is_even {
    static const bool value = (val > 1) && (is_even<val - 2>::value);

template <>
struct is_even<0> : std::true_type { };

Now, no sane person would write is_even this way. But it turns out that this pattern is easy to accidentally introduce in complex programs. Let’s take a look at what goes wrong.

Things start out well:

is_even<0>::value; // true
is_even<2>::value; // true

But as soon as you try to check an odd number, the compiler goes crazy.

fatal error: recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of 256
    static const bool value = val > 1 && is_even<val - 2>::value;
in instantiation of template class 'is_even<4294966785>' requested here
    static const bool value = val > 1 && is_even<val - 2>::value;
in instantiation of template class 'is_even<4294967293>' requested here
    static const bool value = val > 1 && is_even<val - 2>::value;
in instantiation of template class 'is_even<4294967295>' requested here
    static const bool value = val > 1 && is_even<val - 2>::value;
in instantiation of template class 'is_even<1>' requested here
    std::cout << is_even<1>::value;
Compiler errors like this make Johnny Five very upset

Compiler errors like this make Johnny Five very upset

The problem

Looking bottom up through the error stack, we see that is_even<1> is instantiated first. This should produce: 1 > 1 && is_even<1 - 2>::value, which evaluates to false && is_even<1 - 2>::value, which should just be false. Right?

But is_even assumes that the && operator follows the same evaluation rules in a template context as it does in a regular program, including short circuiting if the lefthand side is false. And the && does follow the same rules here. Except for the key detail that short circuiting operates on expressions, while template evaluation takes place during an earlier stage of compilation. And that is why the compiler keeps instantiating is_even until it blows up, even though it is clear to us that that instantiation is not needed.


Our contrived is_even program can best be fixed with template specialization, which is arguably more clear as well:

template <unsigned val>
struct is_even {
    static const bool value = is_even<val - 2>::value;

template <> struct is_even<1> : std::false_type { };

template <> struct is_even<0> : std::true_type { };

But what about more complex programs? Thankfully, all problems of C++ metaprogramming are best solved by more C++ metaprogramming.

The core problem here is that the compiler eagerly instantiates templates, resulting in instantiations that we don’t need or even want. We have to explicitly tell the compiler to defer instantiation until we really need it, and that’s where thunks come in.

First, a short circuiting && operation. logical_and evaluates some type right by calling right::type only if the value branched on is true. We’ll assume that the result right::type is a std::integral_constant, allowing us to use inheritance to implement logical_and.

template <bool, typename right>
struct logical_and : right::type { };

template <typename right>
struct logical_and<false, right> : std::false_type { };

Now, back in is_even, instead of using && directly, we’ll use logical_and and hardcode a local thunk that invokes is_even only when needed:

template <unsigned val>
struct is_even {
    template <unsigned arg>
    struct Thunk {
        using type = is_even<arg>;

    static const bool value = logical_and<(val > 1), Thunk<val - 2>>::value;

And now we can finally find out if 1 and 3 are even or not.

is_even<1>::value; // false
is_even<3>::value; // false

Further Work

If you are working only with types, and not values or template template parameters, a generic thunk can be encoded as:

template <template<typename...> class T, typename... args>
struct Thunk {
    using type = T<args...>;

A short-circuiting replacement for the || operator is just as easy.

template <bool, typename right>
struct logical_or : std::true_type { };

template <typename right>
struct logical_or<false, right> : right::type { };

As well as one for the ternary ? operator.

template <bool, typename consequent, typename alternate>
struct ternary : consequent::type { };

template <typename consequent, typename alternate>
struct ternary<false, consequent, alternate> : alternate::type { };